Predawn Musings

Moonlight always calls to me when it shines bright, lighting the outdoors and peering in through windows, beckoning me from the comfort of my bed, from the security of my house. I step outside into the magical light of night, and Petra, somehow knowing when I’m drawn to the moonlit night, leaves her comfortable bed to eagerly but silently join me.  We leave Steve and the other dogs sleeping, while we pad around the yard, filling and quieting heart and soul.

Like a Lion…

March’s leonine nature has stepped to the fore, roaring in on a north wind during the night,  painting frost pictures on windows and thickly coating the deck with ice. The previously melting snow is now coated with a thick crust of ice, on which I could walk if it weren’t so slippery. The feeders, nearly deserted yesterday, are bustling with birds today. Warm in wool, I watch, as I sip my tea and enjoy winter from my window.

Bronx Zoo Sketches

Stephen and I ventured to the Bronx Zoo on a beautiful February Saturday morning, expecting to find it crowded on such a nice weekend, but there weren’t too many people, and many of the animals were more lively than I usually see them. Stephen took photos, while I sketched. We had a wonderful day, and I really enjoyed taking my time sketching in pencil or ballpoint pen and observing the animals moving around and interacting. After we got home, I added color to my sketches and wrote up some information about each. I can hardly wait to go back sometime soon!

(If you click on a photo, you’ll see it large enough to read my notes.)










Scarlet Ibis
Ebony Langur
Silvered Leaf Monkey