Ramble, an adorable, lively eight week old Siberian Husky puppy, joined our family today! I’ve been visiting and becoming acquainted with Ramble (formerly “Garfunkel”) and his brother Simon since they were two weeks old, so even though he’s only just become a Fischer, he has long since wiggled his way into my heart. It’s been wonderful visiting the puppies each week (sometimes two or three times a week) and watching their personalities develop. From the first time I saw them, I was drawn to “Garfunkel,” but I wanted to watch and wait and see what temperament traits emerged over the next weeks.
As time went on, Garfunkel seemed to choose me as much as I was choosing him. When I’d visit, the two puppies would be racing around playing, and Garfunkel would stop from time and time to sit by me, as if checking in. When I’d pick him up, he’d snuggle sweetly into my arms– it was hard to put him down!
And now Garfunkel is Ramble and is rapidly settling into our home and our hearts. He is a delight and is increasingly sweet and connected. And I am completely smitten. 🙂