It’s a bit odd that I don’t usually post about food, since I love to eat, but last night’s experimental creation turned out to be delicious, and I want to remember what I did, so I’m posting about it here. I had some ground turkey in the fridge and a couple of zucchinis I wanted to use (of course I have zucchinis in the fridge at the time of year!). Stephen wasn’t home, so I decided to throw in some tofu, which he never likes, but I love.
I coarsely chopped a medium sized zucchini in my vitamix, then stir-fried it briefly in sesame oil in my wok. I cooked outside on the side burner of our grill, because our stove is a glass topped one and I can’t use my wok on it. When the zucchini was soft and not quite starting to brown I scooped it into a bowl. If I hadn’t been so hungry I probably would have browned it a bit, since I love zucchini like that, but it was fine cooked lightly. I then stir-fried the ground turkey and a package of firm tofu diced into bite-sized chunks in avocado oil. I used avocado oil for the meat since it has a higher smoke point than sesame oil and I wanted to cook the meat over a high flame. I tossed in some ground sage, some garam masala, some curry powder, some Hungarian hot paprika, and a bit of salt, and cooked it all till the turkey was well-cooked and the tofu looked like it had absorbed flavors.

I mixed the zucchini back in and stirred it all together, then served it over sauteed kale with a little fiery hot toasted sesame oil sprinkled over the whole mix. Yum! I will definitely make this again!