Stephen and I got home yesterday from a glorious, restful week away in Vermont. We stayed in a charming one-room cabin with our three dogs, enjoying fresh air, gorgeous mountain views, and no schedule. The cabin and its deck overlooked beautiful pastures, a valley with a lake, and a backdrop of mountains. We watched the sunset nearly every evening, and most evenings we sat on the deck watching the stars slowly appear, with shooting stars flying across the sky several nights. The Milky Way was clearly visible, as were stars without number, because there were no houses lighting up the night around us.
This was one of the few times Stephen and I have gone on a vacation just for the two of us, and the first time we’ve taken the dogs on a vacation without lots of extended family, so we really enjoyed time together with each other and with our wonderful dogs. We intentionally didn’t plan much, and although we ended up doing a fair amount of hiking, we had slow, low-key mornings every day and plenty of time to sit on the deck enjoying the view and each other’s company. We were each reading good books and I was sketching a lot, so we had lots of quiet time and then good discussion about what we had been reading. So refreshing and a wonderful reminder of how well-suited we are for each other.

We hiked most days, some easy hikes that even Rowan could manage, one that Petra and Milo went on, one that only Petra joined us for, and one that we didn’t think would be good for any of the dogs (turned out it would have been fine for Petra). It was great having the dogs along, and I am so happy and thankful that Rowan is doing so well on prednisone that he was able to really enjoy our vacation.

One day it was so foggy we couldn’t see more than a short distance from the deck. We could hear the occasional car on the nearby road but see nothing, so we stayed inside most of the day, the cabin cozy with the stove running (a gas stove that looks like a wood stove), and read almost all day long. I always love having one cozy, quiet day like that on a vacation.

One day I laid a track through several fabulous pastures and then tracked it with Milo, which is always so much fun for both him and me. He did wonderfully, as usual, and I loved the connection with my amazing Beagle. I made a map of our track in my sketchbook, since I didn’t have Milo’s Tracking Log with me and then watercolored over it.

This week reminded me of one of the times Jesus led his disciples away to get some rest:
Jesus said, “Come off by yourselves; let’s take a break and get a little rest.” For there was constant coming and going. They didn’t even have time to eat. So they got in the boat and went off to a remote place by themselves. Mark 6:31-32 The Message