I pull a heavy sweater over my pajamas , slip my feet into my Crocs, and step out into birdsong—Cardinals, Robins, Titmice, Chickadees awakening the day. Heading up my driveway in soft-soled stealth-mode, scanning the still dark woods, I spot three sleepy does just as they spot me- and leap to their feet, causing me to startle momentarily.
I continue, Canada Geese and Chipping Sparrows now adding their calls to the growing concert. A Spruce stands tall and black against the glow in the Eastern sky as a Red-bellied Woodpecker lilts past. I pad silently, drinking in the dawn.
The crown of a Maple turns green, then suddenly all the gray gives way to shades of abundant life, and more birds merge their voices with the joyful announcement of morning. I turn homeward, surrounded by the songs of Phoebes, White-throated Sparrows, Bluebirds and more. The day has begun, and I am ready to join it.

Yep – makes me want to get up early and go all stealth mode too – will I want to tomorrow morning though? sigh……
Thanks, Judy! And yes, some mornings I’d rather just listen to the birds while wrapped in my bathrobe with a mug of tea. But I always want to listen to them. 🙂
I especially love your titmouse, chickadee and nuthatch page! Lovely…
Thank you, Kate! Your example and inspiration are behind much of my sketching. 🙂